Dry Treat 40Sk in New Zealand
Dry Treat in New Zealand Mob: 021 930 066 E-mail: drytreat@lustre.co.nz
DRY-TREAT 40SK™ is an impregnating, invisible and breathable sealer that protects porous tile, natural stone, brick, terracotta, paving and grout from damage caused by water and salts, plus helps to consolidate friable surfaces. Treated indoor and outdoor surfaces become easier to clean, maintain and keep looking good for longer. DRY-TREAT 40SK™ provides lasting protection for engineering concrete, terracotta tile, cast stone, paving, sandstone, limestone, brick and grout.
Size: 3.79l
Typical application: DRY-TREAT 40SK™ is suitable for a wide variety of applications, including building facades, floors, walls, swimming pool surrounds, patios, garages, kitchens and public and private entertaining areas.
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Benefits: DRY-TREAT 40SK™ is non film-forming; able to consolidate loose and friable surfaces; able to work without changing the appearance of the surface - keeps the original look; suitable for indoor and outdoor use; able to greatly reduce water uptake and minimise moss growth, freeze thaw spalling and efflorescence; an excellent chloride ion salt screen - ideal for marine and pool areas; highly water vapour permeable - able to breathe so there is no build-up of subsurface moisture, allowing it to dry out; deeply penetrating - protecting against weathering and wearing; very alkali resistant - won't breakdown in contact with cement based material; able to seal hairline cracks up to 0.3 mm (0.012 in.); does not flake or peel.
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Warranty: A 15-YEAR PERFORMANCE WARRANTY is offered when DRY-TREAT 40SK™ is applied by an Accredited Applicator following our written instructions.
Application rate: Total application rate is approximately one litre per 0.5 to four sq. metres (five to 40 sq. feet per quart) depending on absorption.
How to use:
ALWAYS TEST PRODUCT ON A SMALL AREA FIRST and allow a 24 hour cure time to determine the ease of application and desired results.
Ensure surfaces to be treated are dry, clean and free of residues.
Product is to be applied without thinning.
Generously saturate the surface with product using a low-pressure hand spray, a clean brush, or similar. Surface should have a mirror-like "wet" look for 3-5 seconds. Avoid contact with surrounding areas.
After 10 minutes, repeat Step 4. Total application rate is approximately one litre per 0.5 to four sq. metres (5 to 40 sq. feet per quart) depending on absorption.
Allow 10 minutes for product to penetrate surface then polish surface with a clean white dry cloth to remove excess product. Do not allow excess product to dry on the surface.
Clean equipment with organic solvent e.g. methylated spirits.
Sealer will not prevent surface etching, scuff marks or wear and may lighten or darken some surfaces. It is recommended that for sandstone or limestone in a salt water environment (e.g. a pool coping) the entire coping should be dipped sealed with DRY-TREAT 40SK™ and a 14 day cure time allowed before the stone is put into service. Please note that the underside of the treated stone will become repellent and a special adhesive such as Davco SE-7 mixed with Davelastic or, Bostik Landscape Adhesive is recommended to fix the stone.
Advanced application tips:
DRY-TREAT 40SK™ must be allowed to cure for at least 3 weeks (and ideally 4 weeks) before undertaking water repellency, depth of penetration and strength testing.
Achieving optimum water repellency and consolidation strength
DRY-TREAT 40SK™ undergoes 2 different types of curing. The specially designed sealing molecules migrate through the pores and find sites to bond by a process of chemical reaction, over 3 to 4 weeks! As more sealing molecules bond inside the pores, the material becomes more water-repellent. At the same time, the consolidating component of 40SK forms a network inside the treated material which helps to consolidate and strengthen it, to make it less friable and less prone to spalling. This consolidating network can take up to 4 weeks to fully form.Achieving maximum depth of penetration.
The modified silane molecules in DRY-TREAT 40SK™ are hundreds of times smaller than the best modern competitor (fluoropolymer /siloxane) sealers, which cannot penetrate into the pore structure of most materials. It is important to apply the second coat of 40SK while the first coat is still wet to aid penetration. Once applied, the sealing molecules will continue to migrate deeper into the material and bond inside the pores, reaching optimum penetration in approximately 4 weeks.
DRY-TREAT 40SK™ is designed for use on very porous new surfaces in salt water environments, but can be used on more dense surfaces as a permanent super penetrating water repellent. When using DRY-TREAT 40SK™ on denser surface, extra care must be taken to remove all excess product from the surface after application. Excess DRY-TREAT 40SK™ on the surface will react over a few days / weeks and become a white glass which is impossible to remove chemically, and has to be ground away. Also, exercise extreme caution when using the product on old surfaces already saturated with salts as the salts may built up below the treatment and spall the surface. This situation can be avoided if the treatment goes well below say 15 mmm from the surface where the tensile strength of most common stone will be greater than that caused by the salt crystals.
3. Requirements of the DRY-TREAT 40SK™ 15 year performance warranty
Only Accredited Applicators with a class 3 license, which have been specifically trained to use DRY-TREAT 40SK™ are able to offer the 15 year performance warranty to their clients. Also, the warranty for DRY-TREAT 40SK™ only applies in salt water environments (such as around a salt water swimming pool), when the material is dip sealed with DRY-TREAT 40SK™ prior to being laid.
4. Using a suitable adhesive
When a tile is dip sealed prior to being installed, it will become highly water repellent. This means that a standard water based adhesive may not adhere to the surface. A suitable polymer modified grout should be used, which is designed to overcome the repellency of a penetrating sealer.
5. Applying STAIN-PROOF™ over DRY-TREAT 40SK™
It is only necessary to use DRY-TREAT 40SK™ on surfaces which are regularly in contact with salt spray or salt water. If the client also wants these areas to be protected against oil based stains, it will be necessary to also apply STAIN-PROOF™, but only after the DRY-TREAT 40SK™has cured for at least 2 weeks, or the consolidating structure of the DRY-TREAT 40SK™ may be dissolved.
6. DRY-TREAT 40SK™ should NOT be applied over a previously sealed surface
Although DRY-TREAT 40SK™ can penetrate through other penetrating / impregnating sealers to some extent, it will not penetrate as much as it does on an unsealed surface, and will not be effective. The consolidator component especially will not penetrate enough. With DRY-TREAT 40SK™, achieving maximum penetration is crucial for protection, so it is necessary to grind previously sealed surfaces before applying DRY-TREAT 40SK™.
NB: penetrating / impregnating sealers should never be applied over a topical (coating) sealer.
Do not take internally. Apply when surface temperature is between 5 - 35ºC (40 - 95ºF). Avoid moisture contact with the surface for six hours after application. Protect surrounding areas from over-spray. Keep away from drains, plants, water and soil. Use only in well-ventilated areas. Use a positive pressure respirator if ventilation is inadequate. Wear suitable solvent-resistant gloves, protective clothing, safety goggles and an organic vapour respirator during application. Avoid applying in windy conditions. Wash hands thoroughly.
Active content: A 40 per cent active content in an organic VOC exempt solvent.
Pack size: One Gallon (3.79 L) and 5 Gallon (18.9 L) containers.
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Become a Dry Treat Dealer or an accredited Dry Treat applicator email us or contact us.
Reference sites:
Sandstone sea retaining wall, Point Piper, NSW, Australia
The Entrance seawall, Wyong City Council, NSW, Australia
Ku-ring-gi Chase National Park entrance gates, NSW, Australia
Residence, Sargood St, Toorok, NSW, Australia
Residence, Kendall Inlet Cabarita RD, NSW, Australia
Residence, Fanshaw St, Auckland, New Zealand